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World Information
Status: Online
Players Online: 9 Players Online
Online Record: 1589 players (on Jun 06 2024, 20:07:16 -03)
Creation Date: 01/05/2020
Location: Brasil
PvP Type: Open PvP

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Name  [sort] Level   [sort] Vocation  [sort]
Ambush640Royal Paladin
Big Da Show733Best Elder Druid
Compa Baiakero828Best Master Sorcerer
Igor Malvado663Elder Druid
Last Ntz711Best Royal Paladin
Liipezk755Best Elder Druid
Nietzsche715Best Elder Druid
Pablo Full Baiako674Best Master Sorcerer
Zabblin Dashow785Best Elder Druid

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[ 9 ]
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