Contentbox headline
Best-Baiak Clients
Best-Baiak Client New ZIP
Cliente com Mounts e New Outfits
- Esse client aceita o uso de Elfbot e Magebot.
- O client já contém MC e conexão direta ao servidor.

- This client accpet Elfbot and Magebot.
- The client contains MC and direct connection to the server.

32,2 MB
Best-Baiak Client NEW Instalador
Cliente com Mounts e New Outfits.

- Esse client aceita o uso de Elfbot e Magebot.
- O client já contém MC e conexão direta ao servidor.

- This client accpet Elfbot and Magebot.
- The client contains MC and direct connection to the server.

32,2 MB
OTC Best-Baiak
New image items.

- Esse client não aceita o uso de Elfbot e Magebot.
- O client já contém MC e conexão direta ao servidor.

- This client NOT accpet Elfbot and Magebot.
- The client contains MC and direct connection to the server.

23,2 MB
Mobile Best-Baiak
- O client já contém MC e conexão direta ao servidor.

- The client contains MC and direct connection to the server.

60,2 MB
Best-Baiak Map FULL

- Instale e abra todo o minimapa do Best-Baiak!
Passos para instalação: Logue-se no Otserv com o cliente, depois feche todos os tibias e inicie o instalador do minimap.
- Install and open the entire Best-Baiak minimap!
Installation steps: Log in to the Otserv with the client, then close all Tibia clients and start the minimap installer.

1,0 MB
Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
[ 0 ]
Castle 24Hrs
Castelo Livre

Castelo fica aberto 24Hrs/dia!
