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Character Information
Name:Philips Mors  
Profession:Best Elder Druid
Level: 696
Dodge: 100 used
Critical: 100 used
Marital status:single
Guild Membership:Member of the Ld
Last login:30 June 2024, 9:38 pm
Balance:$ 4,381,199,908 Gold Coins.


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26 Jun 2024, 20:27 Killed at level 696 by Denilson Itz, Deborestty, Reii Luulaoo, Gnamissao, Iago Awesome and by Dilersz.
26 Jun 2024, 20:25 Killed at level 697 by Biielsz, Aguiiarz Rush On, Deborestty, Iago Awesome, Gnamissao, Dilersz, Noblack, Reii Luulaoo, Formula, Winsz Come Cu and by Rashford.
26 Jun 2024, 13:55 Killed at level 697 by Aguiiarz Rush On, Reii Luulaoo, Rickzin, Winsz Come Cu, Iago Awesome, Malako Push, Nietzsche and by dark asura.
26 Jun 2024, 13:55 Killed at level 698 by Reii Luulaoo, Nietzsche, Winsz Come Cu, Iago Awesome and by Rickzin.
26 Jun 2024, 13:54 Killed at level 698 by Malako Push, Winsz Come Cu, Reii Luulaoo, Aguiiarz Rush On, Rickzin, Iago Awesome, Nietzsche, Liipezk and by dark asura.

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