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Character Information
Name:Gee Lifee
Profession:Elder Druid
Level: 569
Dodge: 18 used
Critical: 0 used
Fatal: 0 used
Reflect: 0 used
Marital status:single
Guild Membership:ED of the Equipe Mais Falada
Last login:31 January 2025, 12:50 pm
Balance:$ 7,362,456 Gold Coins.
Equipments Hidden
Health: 2990/2990 (100%)
Mana: 16265/16865 (96%)
Exp: Have 3048032343 and need 6188957 to Level 570.
Percent: 61.57%
Level ML Fist Mace Sword Axe Dist Def Fish
569 112 10 10 10 10 10 31 10


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Lista de Quests

31 Jan 2025, 12:39 Killed at level 571 by Elkady, Elkadyy, Mohamedi and by castle dragon lord.
31 Jan 2025, 00:38 Killed at level 569 by My Boo, Mario Magic, Lady and by castle dragon lord.
30 Jan 2025, 22:31 Killed at level 567 by Rafael Boladao, Tropa Do Rj, Vulgo Drk, No Face, Menino Tempestade, a protect castle, Joao Neto, Pelinha and by Relaxado Expert.
30 Jan 2025, 21:38 Killed at level 568 by Pittbull De Druid, Vazo, Nosdligzerah, Coocacola, Bolt, Seu Pesadelo, Aleexmaster, Inimigo Da Paz, Sagacidade Do Cv, Thee Bruxo, a protect castle, Miroslav and by Mano Dieguu.
30 Jan 2025, 21:36 Killed at level 569 by Tropa Do Rj, Vazo, Matolito, Vulgo Drk, Seu Pesadelo, Aleexmaster, Bolt, Evil Wyzard, Inimigo Da Paz and by Thee Bruxo.

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