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Guild Information
Perdidos em Marte.

The guild was founded on Best-Baiak on Aug 02 2024.
It is currently active.

Guild Members
Rank Name and Title Vocation Level Status
Leader Raparigueiro Elite Knight 659 offline
Vice-Leader Clean Bothers One Best Master Sorcerer 671 offline
Kinaiti Solitario Elite Knight 565 offline
Solitario Druida Elder Druid 565 offline
War Thunderbolt Royal Paladin 570 offline
Member Clean Bothers Best Master Sorcerer 617 offline
Clean Bothers Two Master Sorcerer 605 offline
Clean Bothersleader Best Master Sorcerer 653 offline
Clean Paralizer Elder Druid 611 offline
Tiberanos Baiakeiro Master Sorcerer 574 offline

Invited Characters
No invited characters found.

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[ 1 ]
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Castle 24Hrs
Staff Team

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